
Second Peter and Jude: An Expositional Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dr. Hiebert presents insights from two highly reliable and skilled sources to help believers unravel the perplexities and mysteries of II Peter and Jude—the authors themselves. Straightforward and unembellished, thorough and profound, Second Peter and Jude follows the inspired penmen of these two great books in explaining the intricacies and practicality of their content. With commentary that...

Make your calling and election sure is an appeal that goes to the heart of the paradox of election and free will. The New Testament characteristically makes room for both without attempting to resolve the apparent antinomy. So here; election comes from God alone—but man’s behaviour is the proof or disproof of it.25 Calvin suggested that Peter’s exhortation was intended to counter the error of the false teachers who mocked God when they made “His free election the excuse for every kind of license,
Pages 60–61